
Scinse doctor Shevts of Raphael Lazarevich, 1951y.b.

Shevts RL apon termination of medical faculty NGMA since 1974 for 1978 - and with 1981 for 1985 -sciens worker of department of an orthopedics adult Nizhniy Novgorod NIITO, in 1978-1981y.y..- the post-graduate student NGMA. A candidate thesis on specialities 14.00.22 - Trauma and orthopedics and 14.00.37- anesthesiologies and rheanimatology has defended in 1981. About 1985 the higher scientific employee of group external fixation of an osteosynthesis of department of consequences of a children's trauma and orthopedics and about 1998 of group of an orthopedics of separating of an orthopedics adult.
During operation in institute he carries out in general more 340 scientific operations, among which one 180 papers and theses of the reports, 6 monographies 126 new authors instruments, 25 requests for the inventions, 23 patents and copyright certificates and the complex consisting of 83 computer programs - one of first in Russian Federation an automized place of the orthopedist (AWP) is written. In 1979 Shevts R.L. Was marked by the diploma by Kulibin, in 1986 - badge "Best-rationalizer", and in 1987 - rank and breastplate " the Best rationalizer and inventor Gorky (N.Novgorod) of field ". In 1993 to him the scientific rank the Higher scientific employee, in 1994 - higher medical category is appropriated. Possesses a broad spectrum of operations on devices of a locomotorium both adult, and children including with application of a combined dermal and bone plastics, interior - till joint-stock company and external of an osteosynthesis by meanses of different modifications. In the position of the accountable surgeon is on duty on institute. Specialized in 1984 in Kurgan (by Ilizarov G.A.) under a management prof. B.N. Lie, in 1986 g - at centre of surgical treatment of a poliomyelitis under a management prof.Y.B.Ginsburg, in 1993 trained in 5 clinics of USA under the program of the American orthopedic Academy, (2 certificates) in 1997. was improved at a seminar of an osteosynthesis till joint-stock company, in 1994 and 1999ã. - has concluded courses at NGMA. To them is written the gang GU NNIITO for constructioning modular meanses is generated, the theory secure compression-distraction of an osteosynthesis, including with application spetial of devices designed. Shevts R.L. Is included in composition of science team of the international design on study of clinical application of pharmaceuticals at orthopedic operations with a major hemorrhage.
R. L. Shevts - writer 5 chapters in a Management for the doctors of a ship river fleet two methodical manuals for the doctors, 5 monographies on an orthopedics, compression-distraction of an osteosynthesis, constructioning, philosophy and computerization in medicine. Published 165 scientific operations concern problems transfusiology and anesthesiology, physiopathology, radiology, biomechanics, pedonosology, genetics and heritable pathology, bionics, mechanics of meanses of exterior bracing, endoprothestis coxofemoral and patellar (in experiment) joints, information science and computerization, mathematics and medical model operation, philosophy, rheabilitology. The scientific minings are marked by 12 diplomas 3 International and 10 regional medical exhibitions, 12 cities USSR and CIS are inserted in medical entities, are included in lecture courses on stands NGMA. Shevts R.L. Participat in operations of international congresses, congresses, conferences, commissions MD Russian Federation with departure in bands control of institute, consist in board of the Nizhniy Novgorod House of the Scientists, supervised over primary organization med-engener unit - GU NNIITO. Possesses experience of polyclinical, teaching operation on stand NGMA and in Liceum. By one of first in N/Novgorod through tools of MASS-MEDIA of starts prophylaxis HIV-infected. In 2001 is selected on the position of the secretary of regional science foundation of the orthopedists. In 1996 is awarded with a Certificate of honour of the minister MD Russian Federation, in 1999y.- by the letter of the Governor Í. Novgorods, medal of the Winner of the premium of city of Nizhni Novgorod. Has monogynopaedium. The sons - doctors, daughter - schoolgirl. In 2002 Shevts R.L. Has presented to a guard a doctoral thesis on the subject of " Compression and distraction an osteosynthesis by modular meanses at elimination of axial strains of autopodium, " above which one worked 20 years. The penalties on a service have no. The performance is represented in Dissertation advice on judgment of scientific degrees, in Official body " the Nizhniy Novgorod State medical academy" (29.04.2002 Shevts R.L. is a sciens doctor)

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